Tuesday, July 3, 2007

My first wedding

The last wedding i went to was my cousins wedding in upstate NY. She was marrying this jerkof named Jeffry Inglesia. Jeffry was an entrepreneur. He hated bosses so he didn't work. He didn't even by the ring for my cousin he had one of his friends by it for him. Don't worry the ring wasn't that expensive. Even though i hated his guts and though he was all wrong for my cousin i admired his gaming skills. I never saw any one so good at halo 2 and his skills in gears of war are amazing. Anyway back to the wedding, It was a Friday and i remember because that was the day naruto shippuden premiered. We left at about 11 and got there at around 12:40. the church was a traditional catholic wedding chapel. It was beautiful church it had sculptures of angels on the walls and had a painting of Jesus rising from earth to the heavens. The ceremony was traditional with the groom and the bride exchanging vows, though the brides vows where more sentimental and deep. I was glad i wasn't in the wedding i have stage fright and i don't think i could stand in front all those people like that. I don't even think i'll have a traditional wedding because of it. The reception was pretty cool. I got to see my family and i learned why i haven't heard about some of my family members. Most of them where real dickheads and werdies. Though the wedding was beautiful and i have never seen my cousin happier i think Jeffry was feeling a little tied down and resentment. After all Jeffry like to flirt with girls alot and he like to look. Theres nothing wrong with flirting and looking i mean every single man does it but he liked to tell girls he was single. The wedding was pretty much normal. There wasn't an idiot who step in at the middle of the ceremony to declare their undying love for the groom or the bride,there was nobody drunk and pissing on the floor and there was nobody starting yelling because they got steak instead of fish.

p.s. I didn't use my cousins name because lets face it shit gets around and Jeffry's last name isn't inglesia

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